Translation: In Mount Gilo, the kettle's chupchik fell.
The meaning of "ballistic missile" is that the missile separates from the engine and the accelerator in the first part of the flight, and only the warhead should reach the target, thanks to the momentum and altitude it acquired at the beginning of the flight.
Rashi's commentary: The missile was fired from close proximity to the target — in other words, by the Erev Rav regime inside Israel or an American ship in the sea.
Do you still believe this BS?
This is hilarious. So the IDF is officially claiming that after over a year of operating in Gaza, with over 12,000 Jews maimed and killed, they've effectively accomplished...what exactly? Exchanging experienced Hamas soldiers for inexperienced Hamas soldiers? And we're supposed to believe Gazans are lining up by the thousands to join Hamas, after the IDF supposedly decimated their predecessors?
The upshot of the propaganda is that the war in Gaza has been extremely successful, yet ALSO must continue indefinitely, so round up more young Jews (especially "haredim") to be thrown into the meat grinder, pony up thousands more shekels in protection money to the government, and keep cheering for the IDF.
Bunch of suckers.
The Israeli Civil Administration is a unit in the Defense Ministry, the same government body that oversees the IDF.
The IDF is neither your friend nor your protector.
Then there’s this propaganda, which is supposed to make you feel proud and continue supporting your oppressors, supporting precious Jewish souls continuing to get thrown into a meat grinder by our enemies from within, and demanding “haredim” give their “share” to the Molech death cult.
But they were also TOTALLY SURPRISED on October 7, and did the very best they could to protect us…
Wake up and wake up someone else.