Well written, though I strongly disagree on much of what you wrote. Can you elaborate on what you mean by Erev Rav? Is that metaphorical or a real actual secret group akin to the illuminati?

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The Slippery Snakes of Washington Put a Big Hurt on Israel

Has Israel waken up to the treachery of a good friend ? 👹


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Very well written!! Amazing sum up of the last few years, as well as of the current charade. I hope this will wake up many and cause those to really start thinking who have had their heads deeply stuck in the sand until now. Shkoyach!!

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Thank you! I hope people will share it so it goes around. We need to wake up the people are sleeping, not the ones who already get it.

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Absolutely right. I did share. I always do. Thank you for all your great posts!!

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